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Bekanntheiten, die am Coronavirus erkrankt sind! (GALERIE)

Prince Charles

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The Prince of Wales has tested positive for Coronavirus: Clarence House today announced that The Prince of Wales has been tested positive for Covid 19 although his symptoms are mild and he is in generally good health. The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall are self isolating at their Scottish residence Birkhall on the Balmoral Estate, where they have been since Sunday, and The Prince is still continuing to work from home as usual. His Royal Highness began feeling unwell over the weekend and he and The Duchess both got tested by NHS Aberdeenshire after satisfying the required criteria on Monday. The tests came out on Tuesday night and while The Prince has tested positive, The Duchess has tested negative and does not have the Coronavirus. Doctors say that The Prince’s condition is unlikely to escalate into a more serious case and he has been in touch with The Queen and his sons The Duke of Cambridge and The Duke of Sussex. He last saw Her Majesty The Queen on the morning of 12th March at Buckingham Palace, London who is currently social distancing at Windsor Castle with The Duke of Edinburgh. Sending lots of love to him and The Duchess and wishing him a speedy recovery! #princecharles #princeofwales #duchessofcornwall

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Nachdem auch der britische Thronfolger Prinz Charles positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet wurde, begab er sich in Schottland in Heimquarantäne. Außer einigen milden Symptomen soll es dem 71-Jährigen aber gut gehen. Das Testergebnis seiner Ehefrau Camilla sei dagegen negativ ausgefallen.

Harvey Weinstein

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So many questions about this…. How did #harveyweinstein get a test done before myself ? Why did he get priority over other prisons? Why has he been moved to a new prison? Even in jail he is getting special privilege! If we look at #julianassange he is still being forced into isolation. Real criminals get breaks and heros are being broken #sad to see. What do you think is #harveyweinstein mystery death going to be from #covid_19 ? Will he last in prison? Feel like we got another #epsteindidntkillhimself on our hands. #corona #coronamemes #virus #information #life #society #thefreethoughtproject #payattention #stayhome #getmeoffthisplanet #quote #quotes #meme #media #consciousness #changestartswithyou #conspiracyreality #conspiracytheory #rothchilds #spying #privacy #quarantine

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Der einstige Filmmogul Harvey Weinstein sitzt inzwischen als verurteilter Sexualstraftäter im Gefängnis. Dort soll er sich Berichten zufolge auch mit dem Coronavirus infiziert haben.